
Choosing the Right Domain Name

Posted By: Harif zayn

Published Date: March 20, 2023


There are some important factors that have to be considered while generating the domain name for your business.

  • Pick our Top-Level Domain (TLD) extension wisely
  • Strategical incorporation of keywords
  • Spelling and easy pronunciation
  • Dodge hyphens
  • Dodge  doubled letters
  • Use short domain names
  • Stay Unique and Brandable
  • Pick a Domain Name That’s Flexible
  • Do Your Domain Name Research
  • Protect Your Brand With Multiple Domains

The part of your domain that follows your site's name is known as the top-level domain. The most typical TLDs are .com, .net, and .org. There are a bunch of more recent TLD alternatives, but if possible it's best to stick with the classics like “.com”. It’s the most extended and is the most popular TLD so people are absolutely familiar with it. Even though “.com “ is the most familiar TLD, you can also choose among the other alternatives since many of the domain names with “.com” may be already taken.

Keywords aren’t just used in the content but also in the domain names too. Search engines utilise your domain name to comprehend what your site is concerning and assist resolve search rankings. So it’s integral to contain keywords in the domain name if possible. While integrating keywords to your domain name, it is important that the name is appropriate to your website.

The domain name created should be memorable to the users. In order to enhance the convenience of the user, always keep in mind to use simple words and easily pronounceable names.

Word-of-mouth is always an assertive factor for advertising. Moreover, the method only works when people can easily read and pronounce your domain. This even pushes the name more comfortable to remember and results in increased traffic to your website.

Hyphens are often found used in domain names to get the preferred domain names which are already picked by someone else. By adding a hyphen the previously owned domain names can be made available to the user. In this manner, you can get your preferred domain name which will adversely affect your website ranking. The names with hyphens are tough to express verbally and to type. This may lead your target audiences to a completely different website. Doubled letters are practically hard to read and even harder to organise precisely.

It is possible that someone will typosquat and steal your traffic if mistakes happen frequently enough. It is unnecessary to spend a few extra seconds trying to figure out the spelling of your domain name and may taunt the patience of the user.

The studies had proved that there are more chances for a short domain name to work and rank better in search engines. The shorter names are more comfortable to recognise and type. Therefore, they are advantageous for branding purposes.

There are so many domain names available that it can be hard to stand out from the crowd. Choosing the right domain name is therefore crucial if you want your business to succeed online. More than 363 million domain names will be registered on the World Wide Web by 2022. Over the past year, domain name registrations increased by around four million.

What is a domain?

A domain name is a string of characters that identifies a domain of administrative autonomy, authority or control within the Internet. Names and addresses are used in the context of various networking contexts and applications. For example, the domain name of this website is gedexo.com, which is the text a user will type into a web browser to view it. In essence, a domain name refers to a numeric IP address through which a user can access a website. 

1. Create a brand that is unique to you

Your domain name must have a unique, brand name in order for your website to be remembered by a sender. But only one viewer can use your e.g. www.gedexo.com the domain name can be combined. So using a common name will not get you the right result. The domain name used should be the one that best suits your brand, on the other hand, and should be distinct from the competing domain names. To pronounce and remember your domain name when it comes to a specific meaning It should be easy.

When assigning a domain name to your business website or even a personal website, your main goal should be to increase the value and recognition of your brand over time. It's best to think of completely new and catchy words or short sentences, and you'll find a good name that highlights your business.

2. Go to Domain Name Generator

If you or your marketing team fail to come up with ideas for a better domain name, this will give you an idea of ​​how you can find a better domain name by going into domain name generators. These online platforms are easy for the general public to use - domain name suggestions based on the keywords you enter into that website gives you.It gives you an indication of what types of domain names are available and the associated domain names.

These are some of the popular domain name generators as of now:

  • DomainWheel
  • NameMesh
  • Wordoid
  • Domain Hole
  • LeanDomainSearch


3. Check availability

Before you register a domain name, you must determine if the same name is already in use by any other company or other people. To build an online trademark you need to check if a name similar to your domain name is already trademarked.

If you come up with something out of the ordinary, then they have to re-think their position. Once you have abbreviated it as a domain name, you should be prepared to trademark it and obtain copyright as soon as possible. A similar name may cause you problems in the future, but you can still claim copyright to that domain if they are not trademarked.

4. Do not delay in registering
In the domain name market, it is common for names to sell quickly. Some names are relatively inexpensive, while others can be quite expensive. It is important to register a domain name under your name immediately if it is suitable for your business and falls within your budget. If the domain name you've narrowed down isn't available, your domain name provider should be able to suggest suitable alternatives.

As a leading website development company in Calicut, we look forward to picking the most perfect domain name for your business or company. With a perfect domain name, your target audiences and business can be boosted to much higher levels.