
­ Complete­ On-Page­ SEO­ Checklist

Posted By: Revathy

Published Date: March 20, 2023


Search Engine Optimization is the most important factor in order to rank your website higher on search engines. The following is a thorough on-page SEO checklist to help you rank high in SERPs and even keep that position for a long time:

  • Content
  • Headings
  • Meta Title Tag
  • Meta Description
  • Alt Text for Images
  • Keywords Overuse
  • Remove Internal Duplication
  • Remove Orphaned Pages
  • Internal and External Links


While writing content for your website, you have to be unique and prepare SEO friendly content for better performance. The content embedded throughout the website should be relevant and must be plagiarism-free. However, the trending content that you uploaded will be outdated With the passage of time. This outdated content will reduce the interest of users in browsing and updating the content will be a must.

Regaining the interest and impression of the users strengthens the importance of maintaining the content updated on the website. Simply updating the old content delivers amazing results. As well as improving rankings, it also attracts traffic and links to the website and does much to help with content marketing. You would have to make a judgment call about whether to update old content or upload new content completely. There should be no plagiarism on the site and the content must be relevant to the niche. You should also include your relevant keywords along with the content for ranking better on search engines.


The main page heading on a website is H1, and this H1 tag must be used at least once on every page on your website. It is considered an error to repeat the H1 in multiple places on your website. In general, you should only insert the H1 tag once in content and include a major keyword. H1, H2, and H3 heading tags should always appear on every page of content.


To optimize the on-page SEO of a website, you must first find and fix all the faulty or duplicate title tags. A properly structured meta description helps to improve page rank and tells search engines what the page is about. The tag should be unique and within the 60 character limit otherwise, it won't show up properly in SERPs. It is best if all of your pages have descriptive names such as 'Contact Us' and 'Our Services' accompanied by a domain name within the recommended limit.


A Meta description is a short description followed by the meta title which appears on search results. The description should be written within 160 characters including one or two keywords without confusing the user. They appear in search engine results under the title tag but do not directly affect ranking, but they do encourage users to click and visit your website.  Even though these description doesn’t directly affect the SERPS, they will help to gain maximum clicks for your website by the users. It is not ideal to encourage users to click on a website that does not have a Meta description because Google displays some random piece of content from the website.


Image optimization also plays a major role in on-page SEO. It is important to consider factors such as descriptive names, size, and quality mentions when naming the images.  These details are delivered to describe the content of the images. Ideally, all images within the website should have a name or Alt Text describing what they are showing.


Over usage of keywords is also a problematic condition where the content does not acquire its deliberate purpose. This occurs when there are way too many equivalent keywords bestrewn throughout the content. The Over usage of keywords reduces the capability of the search engine to find out which pages to depict. For this reason, the website ranking matt affect adversely.


On-page SEO is showing excellent results with the usage of competent website content. Content pruning is a process required for proper On-page SEO strategies which include canning worthless block of content that does not help in the ranking of the website. It is always more useful to keep less dose of high-quality content on your website. The SEO godsends of content pruning and yanking duplication are favourably underrated. It is important to replace or discard the contents that do not add value to your website. The internal duplication of any content section is not a good practice for your SEO strategies. In other words, no two pages of the same website can contain the same piece of content.


Using the sitemap, Google flags certain pages that are not linked to or from at least one webpage as "orphaned pages".  By linking these pages properly, you can greatly improve your website's performance.


Most people do not focus on enhancing the internal links of a website. However, if you fix this on-page error, you'll immediately see amazing results. Creating useful internal links would make a big difference in your SEO. Linking to authority pages is one of the easiest and most effective ways for SEO experts to identify the most beneficial pages for linking. It is important to link to relevant internal pages to maintain both navigation efficiency and performance. The number of external links that point to another domain should be kept to a minimum. An excessive number of them may result in a slower performing website.

On-page SEO factors play a crucial role in a website's ranking in the SERPs. Make sure you follow each factor to the letter. You can obtain the assistance of a professional SEO company if you require assistance with any of these steps.