
Top 8 web development Techniques

Posted By: Mahesh menon

Published Date: March 20, 2023


The best website design arises with the best designing and developing techniques and strategies. Every leading web development company in Calicut, look forward to delivering the most efficient and super quality websites for their customers. There are some major techniques that can be put into practice to develop excellent websites that match the requirements and expectations.

1. Responsive Web Design, Images & Data Tables

The exponential rise of mobile devices has made responsive web design more than just a UX discipline. responsive web designing should be considered an important component of strategic planning by marketers. One should know exactly about responsive web designs and proper optimization of the screen size is necessary with respect to the screen size change.

Responsive layouts are necessary to adjust image sizes according to different resolutions. Mobile-optimized images are developed by skilled developers that are ideal for smaller or bigger mobile screens. According to the screen width, you may use JavaScript and htaccess files for different sized images.

Data tables are usually rather wide and browsing the table often seems difficult on certain devices. For enhanced readability, a reformatting table should be necessary. Consider converting the table into an effective mini-graphic, which is just right for narrow screens, (the whole table can be displayed).

2. Maintaining Consistency & Avoiding Stock Pictures

Keeping fair consistency in elements such as layout, colour and font is a good practice in developing a website. Upholding a consistent basic structure in the websites can provide a smooth flow to the page switching. The browsing experience of the user can be enhanced by maintaining the elements inside the website identical throughout.

The viewers are no longer interested in glamour photographs instead they search for a more lifelike scenery of precisely what a product is depicting or conveying. Always ensure to keep meaningful images on the website because it renders subconscious announcements that are dispatched to your audience.

3. CSS Media Queries

You could follow a tutorial from CSS-Tricks, which discusses ways to bring about subtle modifications with media queries. For example, in the case of a fluid-width design with a sidebar that is 35 per cent of the actual width of the page, then based on the browser window, one could tell what to do.

4. Remarkable Navigation System

Providing information is the vital role of a website. The navigation system for your site should be intuitive and self-explanatory. The complexity and lack of information can reduce the interest of the visitors to your website.

Simple primary structure & enclose navigation controls in the footer of your website.

Provide an exact navigation trail.

Minimize unnecessary navigation options as far as possible.

Clearly mention and explain the destinations of links included in your webpage.

Keep your target audience in mind while preparing the website.

5. Minimizing Flash, Animation and User Workload

Make sure you minimize the use of JavaScript and Flash whenever possible. There are many mobile devices and tablets that cannot run Flash, which would adversely affect your website's navigability. Try to make use of HTML if animations are required for your website.

Minimizing the cognitive load will bring more convenience to the users to comprehend the notion behind your system. Providing visitors with the freedom and ease to browse your website without having to share their private information is a smart idea.

6. Improve Usability & Accessibility

Before building a website always keep in mind that the success of a site relies on its usability and not on its visual design. Provide a clear view of all available functions and use a user-centric design. Feature exposure will assist the users to interact with the website comfortably.

In order to attract overwhelming traffic, your site needs to be compatible with as many devices and browsers as possible. The accessibility of your website must be assured regardless of the application or browser used by anyone visiting it.

7. Writing style and using negative space

While presenting writing to your website, you should consider the browsing habits and preferences of the user. Use objective language and furnish flaky and succinct content. Organize your content by categories, and make use of subheadings, bulleted lists, and visual elements to break up monotonous blocks of text. Using negative spaces in website designs are excellent practice in web development. A best web development company will look forward to visualizing content in a way that is easily browsable for the user.

8. Test early & often

Early and often testing is vital for all web design projects. Testing the usability of a design is remarkably useful in providing key insights into issues and problems associated with it.

Gedexo Technologies LLP is one of the leading web development companies in Calicut, we look forward to delivering fruitful website designs for our customers. As a leading web development company in Calicut, we make use of prompt techniques for developing fruitful websites or web apps to boost your business online. Join us now to avail your best website from the best web development company in Calicut.